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Apple iPhone 5c는 2013년 9월 10일에 발표되었습니다. 수리는 이전 모델과 유사하며 스크류 드라이버 및 비집는 도구가 필요합니다. GSM 또는 CDMA / 8, 16, 32GB / 흰색, 분홍색, 노란색, 파란색 및 녹색으로 제공하였습니다.

1234 질문 전체 보기

iPhone 5c HDD Swap

Ok, long story short, I have 2 iPhone 5cs. One is mine, the battery is shot, wont hold a charge for more than 1 hour at idle. The other has had its screen smashed so bad it wont turn on. Smashed screen phone is 8gb with a good battery, dead battery phone has a screen with a tiny chip, bu 16gb of storage. I want the best of both worlds, but getting the battery out im starting to think is impossible, does anyone want to talk me through swapping the hdd or whatever the iphone uses for storage?

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How about following the IFIXIT guide here: iPhone 5c Battery Replacement and all you'll need is the new set of adhesive strips: iPhone 5s/5c/SE Battery Adhesive Strips.

Swapping out the battery is a lot easier than trying to swap out the logic board! All you need to do is find the pulls and the battery just falls out! Here's a vid that shows how you release the strips: How to use Command™ Picture Hanging Strips jump to time-point 1:00 where the wall part is removed. It's the same here.

iPhone 5s/5c/SE (1st Gen) Battery Adhesive Strips 이미지


iPhone 5s/5c/SE (1st Gen) Battery Adhesive Strips


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ok, so i tried this, but i tore all 4 pull tabs. I dont own an iOpener, and I have no idea to what extent you have to use a heat gun to get the battery out

@pjsmith727 - If you had that hard a time with the battery I'm not sure the logic board will live though your efforts ;-}

I think its time you found someone local to you who can replace the battery. While you'll need to pay them in the long haul you'll get a working phone out of it.

Remember we all can't be brain surgeons, sometimes our abilities limit us on what we can do.

Buddy, there's no need to be condescending, I snapped the adhesive strips, that's it, so either tell me how to get the battery off the adhesive strips with a heat gun, or go find someone else to talk down to

Sorry if you took it the wrong way.

As you encountered issues with both phones batteries glue strips I assumed you were a bit heavy handed. We see many different skilled folks here. It's not easy to know the skill set or if someone is reaching to high.

Why don't you contact @jessabethany to see if she can bail you out here. She knows her stuff! I'm sure she can take both phones and make a good one out it for you. She may even be able to get you two working phones!

@pjsmith727 I don’t think he meant to be condescending, in my experience @danj has always been nice and helpful.

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iPhones and other smartphones do not use removable storage like PCs do. They use chips that are soldered to the logic board and are unable to be replaced. You could try swapping the logic boards but that almost certainly wouldn't work. Good luck!

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so how difficult is swapping the logic board? I'm not incompetent here, I did the screen replacement myself

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iPhones are lego projects. There is no reason why you can't simply follow the iFixit guides already here to tear down both phones and build one good one. Yes a 5c will work with board A, battery B, screen A, housing B, etc. all are just legos.

Re: getting a battery out, use a plastic tool and pry a bit from the edge of the housing not the logic board until you can get some tweezers under there and grab the white battery strip and pull it again. Be careful of metal tools puncturing the battery, although it is fun to watch the explosion.

Ah--just noticed this is a 5c not a 5s. While the 5c may have a bad battery, it is more likely that the 5c also has a bad tristar chip on the logic board. 5c owners tend to use cheap gas station charging cables which do not protect the phone from charger voltage surges which damages the tristar chip on the logic board. Repairable, but you'll either need to take up microsoldering or send it to someone who has the equipment to do board repair on iPhone boards.

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