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Has no sound, picture is fine

The lg 42" lcd tv - model 42ld550 tv has no sound. The picture is fine. The sound was in and out for a time before now being gone completely. Can I repair it?

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@vsoscia you try different outputs? Did you try to unplug your set and leave it unplugged for about 15 minutes and then plug it back in? You checked your menu to ensure all settings are properly set? What have you tried?

yes, I did look over the settings, and re-set the tv by removing power. Dvd gets no sound either. I have not looked inside the set yet.

@vsoscia if your settings are all good, time to take it apart.

I guess I was wondering what I might expect before I open it up: it is possibly a separate sound board that can be bought on line and replaced, or its a likely part of all the circuitry and so there is no need to try to fix, it will be too expensive, just buy another tv set, etc. Are there any repair shops for these tvs around anymore?

My TV is 32 inches LG WebOS

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@vsoscia if all of your menu settings are right and you checked all audio channels, then it is time to take a look at all of your boards. Take some pictures of those and post them with your question. Use this guide for that. That way we can see what you see.

Follow the troubleshooting guide for the "No Audio" for your set and let us know what you find. You will need a multimeter for that.

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