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Samsung에서 제조한 Samsung Galaxy Note 5는 (Note5로 불림) 스타일러스를 탑재한 phablet/패블릿 스타일 휴대폰입니다, 2015년 8월 출시.

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After my battery drained, I cannot charge it

After my note 5 battery is drained, i put it into to charges. but almost 8 hours it don have any response. how do i fix it? should i change a new battery ? or is that any way to fix it ?

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First you want to make sure that your charger and Data cable are good. Test them on another phone to make sure it is working or you can use a multimeter to test the pins to make sure it is working. If it is working properly, then check the port itself on the phone. Using a strong Iso alcohol (90% - 99%) clean out the charging port, even a toothpick or very fine tweezers. Inspect the port for visual signs of damage.

You could also try wireless charging if you don't feel comfortable removing the back of the phone and replacing the battery or charging port if needed until you can get it to a repair shop or order what you need to do a DIY replacement.

After trying these just repost a follow up on what you tried and the results, then we can try to help you from there :)

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You should try using a more powerful charger, one that outputs at least 2 Amps, see if it works. Also, removing the battery and plugging it back in usually fixes these issues.

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Even a trickle charge should have worked. Why amp it up?

We have this Galaxy Tab 2 at home that would only start charging after the battery reaches 0 if plugged in to a 2 amp charger. If you then swap the charger with a normal brick (1A), it continues to charge, no problem. Why shouldn't he try this too?

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Siau Wei See 님은 대단히 고마워 할 것입니다.
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