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The Amazon Fire HD 8 (5th Generation) is a sleek, black tablet released by Amazon in September 2015. Model Number: SG98EG.

39 질문 전체 보기

Why is my Kindle Fire acting so weird?

So... My Kindle have been acting odd for a while. It first happened about a month ago. I Was watching youtube and then it turned off. as it was turning off, I glanced at the charge button, and it said 0. I Let it charge a while, got back on, and it was all fine. It happened a few more times, rinse and repeat. Until yesterday. It happened again, so I decided to let it charge while I went to sleep. This morning, however, it wouldn't turn on. I Held down the button a few times, double pressed it quickly, but no matter what I did, it wouldn't activate. I'd love some answers, as I have had this for a while, and have a lot of personal images saved onto it

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@inkiii this "glanced at the charge button, and it said 0" and the subsequent failure at a later time suggest that your Fire either has a depleted battery that no longer accepts a charge or you are having an issues with the charging port or power management IC circuit on the motherboard. I would start by replacing the battery. Use this guide Amazon Fire HD 8 Battery Replacement for that. That will at least give you a known-well starting point should further troubleshooting become necessary.

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I'll try that. Thank you so much!

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