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Model A1320 / 8 or 16 GB capacity

157 질문 전체 보기

Why is my brightness not working?


My iPod has been, kind of soaked in water :(. But it still works.

The only thing is that i cannot see anything on my screen. It is working, it can play the songs but- when I try and adjust the brightness, it doesnt work. I cannot see much on my iPod.

Also when I try and connect my iPod to my PC it says to uninstall and reinstall my iTunes.

Thanks alot!

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Rosie, there are two possibilities. 1. Your LCD is shortcircuited and needs to be replaced or 2. the backlight coil on your logic board got shortcircuited and that would require a new logic board. Can you see your iPod very dim on the screen (hold it at an angle and shine a light across the screen. If you still see your ipod menu etc, you will need a logic board. If anything I'd start with the display,iPod nano (5th Gen) Color Display and a new battery as well iPod nano (5th Gen) Battery and follow the instructions on here iPod Nano 5th Generation good luck to you and your Nano

iPod nano (5th Gen) Color Display 이미지


iPod nano (5th Gen) Color Display


iPod nano (5th Gen) Battery 이미지


iPod nano (5th Gen) Battery


해당 답변은 도움이 되었습니까?

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I have the same problem, but with my iPod Nano 3rd Generation. I went to the beach and I think the sun kind of burnt the screen. It still works perfectly, but the problem is that I can't see a single thing, unless I go into a room with tones of light or outside with daylight. I go to settings, then brightness, and I set it to 100%, max brightness, but I still can't see much. It's the same as if I set it to minimum or max brightness, and that's really weird. If somebody has an answer to this, please tell me!!! Thanks

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@Val, same as my original answer. This is a backlight issue. You can try to replace the LCD and if that does not work, it is the backlight circuitry on your board.

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