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Why does my lcd screen go black

MY lg 42lc55 lcd screen goes black the back light is still on and I've done the flashlight test and can't see any pictures and if I leave for it 30 mins for the back to get warm the picture comes back I don't lose any audio plz help

Update (01/21/2018)

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The power board has two capiticer on the board have gone ballooned up and abit of fluid leaking out

@gazzayoung post some image of your power board so we can see the damage. At minimum you will have to replace those capacitors and need to determine why they failed.

I'm just gonna get a refurbished power board as haven't got a steady hand for soldering and ill get some pics for u when I'm back

I have posted photos

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@gazzayoung could be an issue with the power board, T-con board or the main board. Remove the back of your set and take a look at the boards. You'll need a multimeter to measure the voltages on the connectors starting at your power board. Work your way forward from there. See if you find some obviously damaged components. This sounds like a capacitor or FET issue. Post some pictures of all of your boards as well as their layout in your TV. That way we can see what you see. Use this guide 기존 질문에 이미지 추가하기 for that.

Update (01/22/2018)

@gazzayoung I think a replacement board is the way to go. Hope it works out for you.

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make sure your plug is plugged in the same outlet from the last time someone/you hard powered it the lights were on and it had sound ,

if you have audio but not video, then the video inputs may not be plugged in properly to the dvr or computer,

but if thats not the case, theres a possibility that the hdmi cables are damaged inside and make sure your port isnt damaged,

put the hdmi in port 1... if that doesnt work try port 2 and port 3

and also make sure it is on the right hdmi setting,

if you have audio but not video then you know that at leat some of the chips and connecters on the motherboard of the tv are working... that will show the tv still has internal power...

if none of this works then you will need to open up the tv and if some of the compacitors are big and fluffy instead of their original compact shape it might be why the tv went dark.

if the tv is new then either take it back for service or replace it.

unplug it wait for 10 mins then plug it back in.... if its still dark after doing this power cycle then it could be the tecon board, the backline to the router or something else,

if none of what i have listed worked ..... you may be dealing with a damaged motherboard.

if this didnt resolve it i dont known what will

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@crystalcupcake1 really not a good answer at all. Motherboard?

Well sorry for trying to help.... That info is better than what some technicians could do

Ridiculous answer. My granny could have done better!

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