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7.9 inch android tablet manufactured by Acer in 2013.

32 질문 전체 보기

Where can I find spare parts for my tablet

The little pins where I plug my charger into my tablet are damaged so I dismantled it because my tablet wasn't charging anymore and I noticed that the little pins (whatever they're called) were not going into the middle part of the charger connection when I went to charge it so when I opened it up very carefully I disconnected the charger connector and have been looking for the same part to replace it in NZ but no one can help me I hope you or someone can help me please or steer me in the right direction cos most people just say ' buy a new one' but I don't want to because I believe it's fixable thanks Sina

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Hi @sinafea ,

Is this is what you are looking for? You may have to source it from overseas as there seems to be no suppliers of the part in NZ

It is not a recommendation to use the seller.It is shown to give an idea of the cost of the part. There are other suppliers online that may suit you better. Just search for Micro USB DC Power Jack Port replacement for Acer Iconia A1-810 to get results

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Thank you Jayeff I will try that cheers Sina

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