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"The worlds smallest 15.6-inch laptop packs powerhouse performance and a stunning InfinityEdge display all in Dell's most powerful XPS laptop."

56 질문 전체 보기

Can I upgrade the 56Wh batttery with a 97Wh one?

I'm thinking about buying an xps15, but the premium you have to pay to get the 97Wh battery is huge compared to the price of the same battery on ebay. I'd like to know if there is an easy, and relativly low risk, way of changing the battery. Thank you.

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Hi @vinc20133 ,

Here is a link to the service manual for the laptop. It lists the pre-requisite steps and then the procedure to remove the battery.

If it is a new laptop that you are talking about you are aware that you might be voiding the manufacturer's warranty by doing this.

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I'd like to know , and i will probably go ask Dell's costumer service, if voiding the warranty is due to me opening the computer or replacing the battery. Anyways, thanks for your answer.

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