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Model A1236 / 4 or 8 GB capacity

134 질문 전체 보기

Why wont it stay on!?

My friend gave me his ipod to reapair and it will stay on when its on my ilive or when its on my friends ihome but it wont stay on when we take it off. Its shuts off admidetly! So I tryed to charge it while it was on the computer the apple came up but when it when to the menu it went straight back to the apple symbol. Can any body help? I can repair it but I dont want to risk takeing it apart since its not mine.

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It sounds like it is time for a new battery. After that you can restore your iPod and/ or further troubleshoot. Good Luck.

iPod nano (3rd Gen) Battery

iPod Nano 3rd Generation Battery Replacement

iPod nano (3rd Gen) Battery 이미지


iPod nano (3rd Gen) Battery


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