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2014년 12월에 출시한, 여러 모델 번호로 알려진, 아시아 시장을 위한 Samsung의 Android 스마트폰.

118 질문 전체 보기

I dropped it accidentaly and now the other part can not hear me

My Samsung Galaxy A5 was dropped and now the other part can not hear me. How can I fix it?

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Try using the headphones with the microphone attachment on either an i/c or o/g call to check whether you can be heard OK by the other person.

If you still cannot be heard when using the headphones with the microphone attachment then there is a problem with the voice transmission circuitry on the systemboard which would have to be investigated further.

If you can be heard OK when using the above method then there is a problem with the phone's internal microphone.

Since you dropped the phone the microphone connection may have come loose from the systemboard or the microphone has been damaged and needs to be replaced. Either way the phone will have to be opened so that it can be further diagnosed as to what is the problem

Here is a link to the ifixit Samsung Galaxy A5 (2015) guides. They are handy as they show how to open the phone so that the microphone can be accessed.

Here is a link to a video that shows how to replace the microphone. It is not for your year model but the principle is the same.

Here is a link to just one supplier of the replacement part. It is not a recommendation to use them. It is shown to give an idea of the cost of the part. There are other suppliers online that may suit you better. Just search for Samsung Galaxy A5 (2015) microphone part to get results.

If you find the above too daunting, contact a professional, reputable mobile phone repair service and ask for a quote to repair the phone. You already know the cost of the part ;-)

Hopefully this is of some help.

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