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55 질문 전체 보기

Turning Creative Inspire P5800 into a car sub

Hello I have Creative Inspire P5800, they served me just fine for all those years but now they are useless to me because they barely function (some problem with the board in the woofer probably).

So I'm on the look for a subwoofer for my car and I though, the sub from those creatives are just fine, maybe I can just remove the board inside and keep the housing with the speaker to connect to my car.

On my car I have Pioneer DEH 2300UB, which have a pre-amplified output for the rear speakers or a sub woofer, so I guess for a speaker that small I don't need an external amplifier.

The question is will this work? Can I just directly connect the sub output to the speaker on the subwoofer from those speakers and make it work, or do I need to add something else in between?


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Hello the speakers died completely so I went ahead and tried and add my findings here in case anyone try to do the same and land on this thread through internet search.

I removed the circuits and the back ports from the woofer cabin and closed with adhesive vinyl all but one hole to get the cable through.

I connected the subwoofer to the coaxial outputs of the pioneer but nothing happened. I tried a lot of combinations in the options about this in the settings but nothing changed, the subwoofer didn't got any power no matter what I tried.

I though that maybe this specific speaker need something special that was on that board, but then I tested it on the coaxial out of a mini hifi I have at home and it worked.

So without knowing what was the problem I decided to take the harder path and find the outputs from the main connection of the car stereo which I wanted to avoid since it have like 10 cables in 1.

This did the trick, it works like a charm. The only problem is that the speaker is not really protected (the subwoofers that are intended for car use have a metal grill over the speaker to protect it when you load the car for example).

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