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fw55d25f ds2 comes on with logo then off

fw55d25f ds2 comes on with logo then off after 4 seconds

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'''++jbacon30++'''  this could be a main board or a power board issues. Let us know what you have checked thus far. Start off by removing all connections from the back of your TV. Then unplug your TV. Hold the power button down for 30-60 sec. Release the power button and connect one input source only. then restart your set and see if anything has changed.

If it has not you will have to think about removing the back cover and to check out the boards. you will need a multimeter for this. Post some pictures of all of your boards and their layout so that we can see what you see. use this guide 기존 질문에 이미지 추가하기 for that.

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I am having the same issue. When the TV comes on, it says something about holding the ok button on the remote, but doesn't give enough time for this to work.

I tried the suggestions, but it keeps doing the same.

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jbacon30 님은 대단히 고마워 할 것입니다.
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