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Club Car Golf Cart/클럽카 골프카트 브랜드의 이름을 따서 골프카 또는 클럽카라고 불리는 가스-구동 및 전기 골프 카트 지원.

495 질문 전체 보기

no power where are fuses

92 club car no power where are fuses new battery.

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Where is the fuse for the lights 4 2007 star golf cart

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'''++wtwacres++'''  it should have a fuse box as well as a fuse by the charger receptacle

Block Image

Block Image

Block Image

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Fuse box in electric club car

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i shorted out my fuse box box blew a fuse and it shows neagative power is it fixable

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@ronalddecaussin how did you shorten out the complete fuse box ;-)? It might be possible, but you have to pull all the fuses and then check the contact strips and wiring to your fuse box for any short to ground. Where did you measure this "shows neagative power "

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