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Apple iPhone 5s는 2013년 9월 10일에 발표되었습니다. 수리는 이전 모델과 유사하며 스크류 드라이버 및 비집는 도구가 필요합니다. GSM 또는 CDMA / 16, 32, 또는 64GB / 은색, 금색 및 스페이스 그레이.

3535 질문 전체 보기

Battery percentage jumps from 30% to 100% while charging

Hi everyone

Recently my phone had a problem with ghost touching but now it’s kinda fixed. However, I have a huge battery problem now. When my phone is charging, the percentage is normal until it reaches almost 30%! It suddenly jumps to 100% and I cannot use my phone for more than 45 minutes max. I downloaded this app called Battery Life and it says that the capacity is 83%, and my battery wear level is average. I’ll appreciate it if someone helps me with this issue, thanks.

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i have changed my huawei p10 lite battery recently, when i start charging for the first time, charging was going on normally till 70% ,it took 90 minutes to reach 70% then, it starts jump from 70% to 75% then to 80% and it within a minute its reached to 100%. i think it's fake charging, and this is the second time it's happening, i had this issue with my previous battery as well, when i was charging that battery for the first time, please anyone can help? Thanks

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선택된 해법

Those are pretty common symptoms of a bad battery however I'm surprised to see the battery wear at 83%. To be certain, use a battery utility, such as coconutBattery (for Mac) or 3uTools (for Windows). It will tell you what the health of the battery is. Anything less than 70% of design capacity will require replacement.

At ~80% of design capacity (or battery wear), you start to notice that the battery is no longer holding a charge very well but it's usually usable for a while still. Once you get to the mid to low 70's, the phone becomes very short lived and as the battery gets worse, it becomes practically unusable. The other factor is the number of charge cycles. There is no set rule as some batteries can churn out 1000 cycles or more while others degrade after only several hundreds.

The key here is that a battery is a chemistry experiment, not solid state electronics and as such, there are a lot variables that can affect battery life. The simplest thing to do is to replace the battery to see if it solves your problem.

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Thank you so much for answering :) I will try the utilities you’ve told me, but I guess I’ll have to replace my battery

Still happens on a new battery...

Any help?

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