Room temperature quickly rises?!?

We bought the tower fan yesterday & it looks great & the air blown on you is nice along with it being quiet. But the problem is, as soon as I turn the fan on I’m watching the room temperature rise, rapidly?!? It goes from 23.9 degrees C up to 25 DC IN A MATTER OF MINUTES ?!? I bought the fan for my toddlers room to help to keep her body temperature regulated and at a safe temperature during these hot nights but I’m now very worried that the fan is doing the opposite. I’m watching the temperature drop in front of my eyes after turning off the fan & opening the window wider. My daughter sleeps in a small nursery with the door & window open. The same occurs with the door & window closed. Please advise, thank you! Kay

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Hi @kaypf ,

Just verifying whether you have the HY 254 or the HY 280 series fan?

Don't know your fan but the user manual for the HY-254/280 series, shows how to change the temperature settings for the HY280 series fan.

However it appears that there is no temperature controls or settings for the HY 254 series fan

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