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6s와 유사한 하드웨어 사양의 4-inch iPhone은 2016년 3월에 출시되었습니다. 16/64GB 저장 옵션 및 은색, 스페이스 그레이, 금색 또는 로즈 골드로 제공됩니다. 모델 A1662 및 A1723.

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iPhone SE screen Ripped off, Now it’s not working

I had my phone attached to a sticky pad on the wall, with the screen on the pad facing the wall. When I tried to pull it off, the screen stayed attached to the sticky pad, and separated from the rest of the phone, only at the top though. First the screen was white with a streak, now after me trying to gently separate it again to peer in, it’s completely black and doesn’t turn on. I’m not sure what part I need to replace. Thanks in advance. I’ve been browsing the forums, and it sounds like I need to get an LCD/digitizer combo... if I can figure out what that is. Does that include cables? I’m pretty sure I damaged/ripped the ribbon cable near the camera area. But I wasn’t 100% sure.

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A picture of the damage would be most helpful but in the meantime maybe if you could describe what was pulled off.

Based on the description I'd expect you'll need a new a new screen/LCD, front flex cable, and home button - all three have ribbon cables that connect to the body and I'm assuming they've all ripped.

TouchID won't work anymore, but the rest of the functionality should be ok *if* there was no damage to the logic board

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If the cables on your screen ripped off, I would start by replacing the screen here. It includes the cables. As for what an LCD and digitiser are, the screen comes in 2 parts - the LCD and the digitiser. The LCD stands for liquid crystal display, and it is what displays the image on your phone. The digitiser is what converts the analogue movement of your fingers tapping on the glass to a digital input, or in other words, the touch screen sensor. This is just the front glass. The iPhone SE has the LCD and digitiser fused as one, so you will have to replace them both. The attached guide has the link of where to buy the screen. but if you have another supplier or want to go somewhere else, all screens that say they are the LCD + digitiser FULL ASSEMBLY (meaning it comes with the front facing camera as well) for the iPhone SE will work. Unfortunately, as the home button cable is also torn, touch ID will never work again on the phone. This is because the touch ID sensor is paired to the A9 processor in the factory, and only apple can change this. This means you need to buy a new home button in addition to the screen. Hope this helps!

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