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모델 A1181: 1.83, 2, 2.1, 2.13, 2.16, 2.2, 또는 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo 프로세서

1205 질문 전체 보기

Battery not charging fully


My faithful MacBook Core 2 Duo is having battery problems. It will not charge all the way (stops at 84%). The battery is brand new and it is from a well known computer shop here in Colorado, so its not willy-nilly bought on eBay or Amazon. I tried different power adapters, T-Shaped MagSafe to L-Shaped MagSafe to then MagsSafe 2 to MagSafe converter. I also did a SMC reset but to no avail. My guess is it might just be a faulty battery because I have worked on this exact same computer (white model but I don’t know how that makes a difference) with a similar problem. I attached a screenshot of Coconut Battery for you guys to examine.


Block Image

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CoconutBattery shows the battery is under charge Charging with 24.3 Watts so it just maybe you’re rushing things. It does take a good 12 - 16 hours to fully charge a new battery.

You may want to review the MagSafe connections to make sure the contacts are clean and the insulating block is not melted.

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@danj this has been going on for at least a month now and I have left the charger in for days on end. The contacts are as clean as you can get them so thats not the problem. I knew about this already but thank you for taking the time to answer this. Is there anything else I could do?

Well, I guess you’ll need to try another battery.

@danj okay thanks so much for trying anyway. :-)

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