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My laptop fell not working, would you take a look at it or take to sho

My laptop fell, it's broke. Would you take a look at it or just take to shop.

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Hi @adhd ,

ifixit does not do repairs.

Its’ volunteers offer online advice through this forum on how to repair the laptop yourself or if you cannot do this yourself, advise that you contact a reputable, professional laptop repair service, experienced in your brand of laptop and ask for a quote to repair the laptop.

If you wish to try and repair it yourself, amend your question (select options link right side of question > edit) and provide relevant information such as make and model number of the laptop and a brief description of the actual problem, with pictures if possible if it is physically broken and not just not working (here’s how to add them 기존 질문에 이미지 추가하기)

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