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1502 질문 전체 보기

Soldering Iron for board work

Could someone send me a link for the right soldering iron for doing work on the logic board a good inexpensive soldering iron is all im looking for with the right fine tip

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jared...you asked this question 2 weeks ago, and you've asked about water damage and broken logic boards again.. is this an ongoing problem or different phones. I think we should merge these

Different phones

https://www.bestsolderingirons.com/. you can find the best soldering iron for your soldering job

If you are a beginner or professional, you can find the best soldering iron.


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I like the weller soldering irons, make sure you have a good small tip, flux/solder etc.

does this one come with a small enough tip for removing the backlight coil?

+ lemerise I already gave you the thumbs up on this. I apologize that at that time I didn't have time then to leave a comment. I have had this tab open for a few days, because I plan on buying one of these ( I need to close this tab). That is a nice little soldering iron for many of the discreet components on this board. You can get a 64th of an inch conical tip for it! I believe it may come with one if not it is the 32nd of an inch it comes with. Either way a nice little iron for dealing with small chips. My personal preference is to use hot air on boards like this, sometimes for various reasons, that is not feasible.

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This little baby may be exactly what you want and cheap at twice the price: [연계 제품이 누락 또는 비활성화 됨: IF145-093]

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how many watts?

It always helps to actually look at a link given in an answer. 0 watts, it's Butane.

lol whoops sorry does it have small enough tips for say removing a backlight coil?

6 different tips. Tips can always be squeezed down with pliers

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Weller WM120 12w/120v Pencil Thin Soldering Iron

Block Image

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