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2008년 10월 출시 / 2.4, 2.53, 2.66, 2.8 또는 2.93 GHz Core 2 Duo 프로세서

376 질문 전체 보기

My laptop won’t boot up

My Mac won’t boot up. I had problems with the ram being improperly seated - three beeps on start up - got that set but the track pad and keyboard stopped working.

The screen worked fine. An external keyboard and mouse both worked for s while. Then one day I tried to boot up and it never did no beeps no screen nothing. I’ve got an early solid state drive and 8 gb of ram Now I have a brick. I may have been a little too ‘mobile’ with it - it must way 20kg-

but there is no defining moment of s drop or bang that I can remember. Someone told me that this model has penchant for break the keyboard wire to the motherboard, but honestly I don’t know. Anyone that can with any advice to get it working again will greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Open it up and check to see if your battery is swollen, if so, replace it.

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