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2008년 10월 출시 / 2.4, 2.53, 2.66, 2.8 또는 2.93 GHz Core 2 Duo 프로세서

376 질문 전체 보기

Black screen with chime

I have a late 2008 MacBook Pro.

I was having problems with the speakers sounding distorted and I read online about a fix you can do with rubber cement.

I followed a guide on iFixit's website and put the glue on the speakers as I saw others do online. I waited a few hours and put the computer back together. At first it seemed like it worked, the speakers sounded great and I had no issues.

Later, in the day I moved my laptop and set it down and the WiFi suddenly stopped working. It said something like "WiFi: No Hardware Installed". I did turned the computer off and opened it up to make sure nothing was loose or looked unusual.

I then did some googling and tried a few fixes (resetting the NVRAM & SMC). I tried to turn the computer on again and it made no difference. I turned it off and turned it on again a few days later when I had time and now the computer won't even turn on.

When I hit the power button it sounds like it's turning on and it does the "chime" noise but the screen remains black. I've tried a few things for this as well (PRAM & SMC reset) and nothing makes a difference.

I think I obviously messed something up when I tried to fix the speaker but I don't know what or if it's fixable. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I can’t see anything you would have touched in taking the speaker out that would have caused a full failure as you described.

Is the battery tester telling you the battery is charged?

Frankly, I tried sealing up the speaker membrane that was torn on a few systems it didn’t last. I think you should consider just replacing the assembly.

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