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Repair and troubleshooting information for the Suzuki FA50 Moped.

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How to attach a spark plug wire?

ok so i have a 1983 fa50. i did some work to it and when i was changing out the spark plug the spark plug wire came out of the body of the moped. it looks like i can just plug it back in but the wire is in the body of the moped so i dont know how to get to it. can anyone give me some pointers to get my baby running again?

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andrew n, did you get your moped running :-)?

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Here's a tutorial video on how to do it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5nNAgAUY...

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thanks for your time and comment but it seems to be a little bit more complicated than that. The problem isn't the spark plug but the spark plug wire. U unscrewed some things and the wire itself became unplugged and fell through the body of the moped. I have the plug attached to the spark plug but i cant find where the other end of the wire went before it fell out due to the fact that it was in the body of the moped and i cant get to it. let me know if you have any ideas

thanks for your help

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andrew n, one end obviously belongs to the spark plug, the other one to the ignition coil. I do have the repair manual on my fileserver , do feel free to download it. It will show you how to repair and how to take care of your moped. The part number for your coil is 33410-02430 Good Luck.

Service manual

parts manual

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