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PC laptop by Dell with a 15.4" display. Succeeded the Inspiron 1520.

70 질문 전체 보기

tried to reboot on safe mode.Started loading windows now frozen.

at start up,screen shows loading bar continualy. Windows does not start. I tried to boot on safe mode but "windows files started loading" immediately; now its frozen with the message ,Please wait... and every now and then I hear a click sound, not clicking multiple times just one click, and again like 3 or 4 min. apart. Does any one have any clue, I realy don't know what to do.


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See if you can boot from your system disk (if you made one).If not see if you can borrow one to try booting your computer. If you can rather than install select repair system. If this does not work you may have a bad hard drive. Another possibility could be your cmos battery. I am including a link about that for you to look at.


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or faulty ram

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You have to Re install the windows in your laptop because if it is freezing during load then that means some of the files are either missing or has corrupted. Insert the bootable install CD in your laptop and install a fresh windows for your laptop.

Good Luck.

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