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My TV LCD shows blue on the screen

My TV LCD shows blue on the screen

But people do talk but doesn't show picture how do I clear it

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Franklin Rass that is a big depends. It’ll depend on what make and model your TV is. You will also have to try all different inputs. It is possible that it does not receive a video signal so check all input sources. When you say blue on the screen, do you mean only blue or a blue tint. Post some pictures of what your screen shows so we can see what you see. It is most likely a main board issue but can possibly be a t-con board or the LED panel itself. 기존 질문에 이미지 추가하기

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Good day,my Omaha TV just turn into blue and it keep talk what can I do to stop it.

@Sandra Weiss Akwenuke Hi there. Do you have a model number for your TV? From what I understand you are saying that your TV has a blue screen but you have sound. Can you tell us what you have tried to repair this?

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