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Announced in August 2017년 8월에 발표된 Galaxy Note8을 회수된 Galaxy Note7의 후속 모델입니다. Note8은 대중이 구매할 수 있도록 2017년 9월에 공개되었습니다.

149 질문 전체 보기

Why is my phone heating even when not charging?


I recently replaced my note 8 screen by following ifixit guide and it works fine. However the phone now heats up even if its not on charge.

Can you please advise on what might possibly be the problem?

Damaged battery or something else?

Block Image

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Hi arbaman,

see picture below. the red part is what is actually heating up.


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You’ll have to figure out yourself since you’re the only one who can find out what’s the part that warms up first and most. You might need to probably open up the phone again.

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