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The Xbox 360 is the second game console made by Microsoft, and was released November 22, 2005.

431 질문 전체 보기

Fan grinding noise after removing dust

I cleaned all the dust out of my Xbox 360 put it it back together and there is a grinding sound coming from the fan please help!

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I suspect that if you took the fan out to clean it, when you put it back in you accidentally put the wires in a spot where they are too close to the fan blades and cause the noise. If not, do you have anything leaning against the fan other than the supports?

No the wires were put in correctly and there is nothing leaning against the fan.

@magicjet_ Very interesting. Can you try using your finger to manually rotate the fan while the console is off and listen for any noise that would indicate a blade rubbing against anything? (This could be an indicator of a warped blade)

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@magicjet_ could be the fan itself. Since it is now cleaned there maybe issue with the fan motor. Not uncommon that the cleaning of dust etc. revealed issues with the motor. Replace the fan and re-evaluate

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Dangit, you stole my thunder :)

Anyway, I was just going to suggest that. I needed to make sure that the problem wasn't cables or a warped balde before I said to replace the fan, because I have had issues like that in the past where the solutions were blatantly obvious and easily fixable without buying replacements. I wanted to make sure this person had to spend as little as possible on a fix.

Now it says e76 what do I do

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