thermal paste replace make a big damage in the processing


First i’m sorry about my English I’m not so good,

Before one month I replaced my thermal paste on CPU because of heating by the my iMac 27” late 2013 a1419 process I7,

But in my way I stretch the screen cable when I try to put it in the socket and a bit Goan off and the Seata cabel be gamete in the side because I didn’t see it and I pull off the mother board and it was merge in the board and now the iMac not working,

Did the cause the screen cable and the seta kabel och there is smashing wring the thermo paste processing , I just clean the old one and replace it with new one…

Can you help me please so I can bay new screen cable the width one OOO by the way the wifi cards pins its off too Sorry to mach damage I make BUT help please

Saladdin Saudi

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can you share a picture of the problem?

Hi… today I change the thermal paste and I reassembling the Imac and like befor only one light starting in the motherboard, MY question is ( If I take off the wifi card off and the screen cable did the motherboard lights well lightning igen OR the system is one electronic circle it well not working).


OBS. I just ordered wifi card and Ihop it well starting igen



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