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Announced in August 2017년 8월에 발표된 Galaxy Note8을 회수된 Galaxy Note7의 후속 모델입니다. Note8은 대중이 구매할 수 있도록 2017년 9월에 공개되었습니다.

149 질문 전체 보기

Phone working but screen not turning ON

Hi, i just want to ask about my note8. Last night we went swimming and i always take photos using my note on or under water. But this time it did something different and the power option keeps on popping. So i took it out of the pool and let it dry. This time the phone still works fine no issues. But it was drupping water from the power button which concerns me so i just placed it at the table to dry out after an hour or so i tried using the phone but the screen wont turn ON. Phone works. But no screen. Phone rings, vibrates etc when someone tries to call or send messages. But no light on screen. Can this be just moisture? If i let my phone dry for a couple of days will it go bacl to normal?

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  1. Press and hold the Note 8 Volume UP and Home keys, then press and hold the Power key at the same time.
  2. The Smartphone will vibrate, and the Samsung logo will show on the screen, let go the Power key but hold the Volume Up and Home keys until Android System Recovery screen appears.
  3. Wipe cache partition using the Volume Up keys and press the Power key to select it.
  4. The Samsung Galaxy Note 8 will automatically restart after the wipe cache partition.
  5. If this doesn’t work feel free to email me at Judequinn2109@gmail.com and I will see what other things I could do to fix it

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