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Vertical and horizontal lines Bravia KDL 55w828b

Hi everyone! A friend of mine gave me his Sony Bravia because of some problems. When the image is still some vertical lines are visible but when I try watching a video instead of the lines I have a ghosting image. All the problems almost disappear after an hour and the only thing that remains is a slightly flickering horizontal line.

I tried disassembling the frame and pushing on the flex cables all around the screen searching for a faulty connection but nothing happened. What could it be? Should I try taping the flat cables that go inside the t-con? Could it be the t-con itself? Thank you for your time!

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Update (01/06/2020)

This is what sits behind the plastic, ler me know if the photos are detailed enough. I think the tcon sits behind everything, so its not visible.

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Update (01/06/2020)

This is the tcon

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Manuel Gabrielli  ghosting can be caused by a bad t-con board but not the lines that your pictures show and not horizontal lines. Those lines are usually caused by a failed LCD driver board which is part of the panel. Since the lines are not complete but only through the bottom half, there is also a slight possibility that this is a memory error, so check the main board as well. You can consider testing to see what it looks like when you do replace the t-con board/main board but ultimately it looks like a failed panel. Check the LCD driver board, which is part of the panel, for obviously failed components. Since it gets better as it heats up, look for cold solder spots etc. Post some good pictures of your boards with your question.

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I tried to removing and cleaning the flat ribbons attached to the tcon but nothing has changed.

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