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2008년 10월 출시 / 2.4, 2.53, 2.66, 2.8 또는 2.93 GHz Core 2 Duo 프로세서

376 질문 전체 보기

Will Not Run With Battery Installed


I have a trusty old MacBook Pro Late 2008 that I have been trying to clear of data ready to sell / pass it on. Mainly want to transfer photos in iPhoto.

It has been working fine then all of a sudden it refused to power up. I tried resetting SMC to no avail. Now it seems the only way I can get it to boot is by removing the battery, removing the power lead, pressing the power button for 10 seconds, plugging the power cord in whilst still

holding down the power button for a further 10 seconds, then letting go of the power button and then if I press the powers button again it fires up.

The vans run at full speed and will not go off.

is there anyway of getting this working again normally?

Many thanks in advance

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Aha. I worked some magic.

Reset SMC a couple of times and did nothing. Reset NVRAM twice. Put the batter back in, atill

playing up and battery not recognised.

Did it all again a couple of times and hey presto, charging light went orange, left it a few minutes and powered it on with the battery installed and now it recognised and is charging the battery.

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If it doesn’t start in any other way than through a SMC reset and bypass, it’s reasonable to expect a hardware damage at component level or a faulty part connected that prevents normal functioning. You can try disconnecting all cables from the board and see if that changes the picture. If it starts with bare minimum, that would be keyboard and magsafe, you can then reconnect parts one by one until you find the faulty part. Otherwise a board level repair or replacement would be needed.

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