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T-con for RCA sld65a55rq not matching

I need a t-con board for an rca sld65a55rq but the boards I’m finding by the tv model number do not look like mine. The pics of mine are below. I found some using the board number but the printed number to the right isn’t the same and I don’t know what that one means (1440 on the pic). Does anyone know if that matters, or could point me towards the correct board?

Block Image

Block Image

Block Image

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Not totally sure but going off the sticker number 5565T07C19 there is this board which also mentions your model number as well as another model.

You could try contacting this supplier and confirm whether the ‘green board” (bottom of the page - out of stock I know) would be suitable for your model. It also shows the same “other” TV model number that the board is used for.

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