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Surface Pro 태블릿의 4세대 버전입니다. 2015년 10월 26일에 출시되었습니다.

210 질문 전체 보기

What is the best way to open the power adapter?

New co-worker’s Microsoft Surface Pro 4’s power adapter has a cold solder joint inside, since pushing the cord in at just the right angle restores power. The adapter is a KINGDO Model EADP-1625 36W with CC:DA REV:00. I can do electronic repair, but I don’t want to unduly damage the case. Does anyone know a safe way to open the case?

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Hi @mhschultzz ,

Don’t know the adapter but if there are no recessed screws hidden under the labels then if the adapter case has a welded seam running around the case, try the following:

With a wide bladed tool such as a 1.5” paint scraper, (the sharper the blade the better) try placing the blade along the long edge seam and then give the handle end of the scraper a short sharp tap with a hammer to see if it cracks open along the seam.

I have an 80 % success rate opening welded cases this way without causing any external damage to the case.

You may find the the “lip” edge of the seam may crack and break off on the inside but that is covered when the case is closed again.

I usually glue it shut again and then wrap a strip of black electrician’s tape around it for good measure. Gluing is problematic though because some glues react badly with certain plastics. I’ve had “supa glue” actually melt some plastics and not even hold, instead of gluing them down.

The other 20% of the time the case cracks and is damaged but the adapter is still usable as it is only cosmetic damage.

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Thanks! I will give this a shot soon and post up my results.

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