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{A1706 / EMC 3071}—2017년 6월 출시, 이 MacBook Pro 13”는 Kaby Lake 프로세서 최대 3.5 GHz Core i7 및 Turbo Boost 최대 4.0 GHz 포함.

277 질문 전체 보기

Spilled water on MacBook Pro, worried about data.

Basically, I was a moron and accidentally spilled a glass of water on my laptop - in my panic, I wiped off the water, and my laptop screen turned black.

I took off the back of the laptop, and propped it up to let it dry. I’m a third year university student, and do not have an external hard drive, so I am devastated.

  • Is there still a chance after drying the computer could turn back on?
  • Worst case scenario, is there any way I can recover the data on it?

I really don’t want to lose three years worth of memories and work. Based on the research I’ve done, it seems that this model does not have a removable SSD.

Would appreciate any advice! :) Stay safe, everyone.

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An external hard drive is going to be cheaper than data recovery.

Can afford expensive laptop, data has value ->can’t afford external hard drive.

Makes perfect sense to me.

Repairing the original motherboard to the point of powering on the board, logging in and copying out data via either wifi or USB should be possible in most cases, but don’t try it yourself if you haven’t tried before, or has no other copies of data. Look for professional recovery services in this kind of situation.

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If your system is fully dead you’ll need to find someone skilled on fixing your logic board as its likely damaged. That is the only hope to try to save your data.

Sadly, not backing up on an external drive has put you at risk of loosing everything!

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