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2011년 10월 24일 출시 / 2.2, 2.4, 또는 2.5 GHz 쿼드-코어 Intel Core i7 프로세서

405 질문 전체 보기

Battery life degraded badly

So I’ve got a Late 2011 MacBook Pro 15” that was in storage for about 2 years. It’s got 494 charge cycles at the time of posting but the issue is it’s barely making 2 hours from full to dead flat just using around 3 tabs on chrome. I charge it around 3 times a day. Is there any way to ‘re calibrate’ or do something that will bring the battery back to life after being stored for so long or will I just have to replace it. Any help is apreciated. Thanks!

Update (03/21/2020)

Here’s a screenshot of coconut battery

Block Image

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Lets get a better idea on what's happening install this gem of an app CoconutBattery and post a snapshot of the main window here for us to see 기존 질문에 이미지 추가하기

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Chrome is a memory pig! You may want to look at boosting your RAM if you only have 8 GB or less.

You also should clean your drive as the OS will leverage the drive for virtual RAM so a fill drive will need to work harder (either HDD or SSD) Free up at least 1/4 of your drive. If you have a HDD you should defrag the drive.

Update (03/21/2020)

Sorry to say your battery has failed! While the cycle count is not excessive, clearly the battery is not holding the charge.

Your 6,900 mAh battery is now only able to supply 5,132 mAh a difference of 1768 mAh which is quite large. Batteries over time do breakdown as this is also an older battery (dated Jan 2012) its time to be replaced MacBook Pro 15" Unibody Late 2011 배터리 교체

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I'm using 16GB of DDR3 1600MHz RAM and a 1TB SSD with only 80GB used. I've added a screenshot of coconut battery below.

Sweet as, thank you! I will order a replacement now :)

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