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2015년 3월에 발표, 2015년 4월 10일에 출시된 Galaxy S6은 Galaxy 라인의 다음 주력 제품입니다. 곡선형 스크린 버전은 Galaxy S6 Edge로 알려져 있습니다.

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Camera failure - Should I replace it?


always if I open the camera App on my Galaxy S6 I get a message which says: “camerafailure”. I think it is no software problem because reseted my device. Now I think to replace the camera because I will replace the battery anyway, but I don’t know if it fixes the problems. Has anyone some experience with that and / or can help me?

Update (03/28/2020)

Thank you for the quick reply. I can’t remember that I dropped it the days or weeks before it stopped working. But I have two questions. If it is one camera which is not working, why is not the other cam (front or main camera) not working? Or is it closing the app because one camera is damaged. Second question: If a cable / connector to the camera is damaged I have no options to repair it or am I wrong?

Update (04/01/2020)

So. I replaced the battery and the camera. The battery works, but the camera unfornately just shows the same errors. I think now there is not much / nothing what I can do left.

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@maze2go ... at this point, it would be down to a schematic and testing for proper voltages and continuity in flex cables. can probably find a schematic pretty easily, can upload one if youre capable and willing. if not, i would get it serviced by a tech. if youd like the schematic, please give me the model of your phone... sm-g9***

Could you send me the schematics? I have the G920F

cant upload here apparently so, here is a link that has the pdf for level 3 repair. your looking at the tshoo-7.pdf in the archive. youll see the first diagram that feeds both cameras from the main ic, then branches to companion ic, then 2 front and rear cameras. youll want to find the pins and measure the voltages. scroll down further in the pdf, find the corresponding chip and its pinouts and voltages. just follow the charts and compare. youll do fine. post back for any questions.


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maze… if you are going to open the phone up to replace the battery, may as well change the camera. it could be the device itself or the connector or flex cable that is damaged so youll want to look closely before buying the replacement camera. by resetting the phone to factory, if it was a software issue, this would have taken care of it so its probably a physical issue. have you dropped the phone or??? here is a guide to help with many issues you may have with your device. just click on the topic that matches what you are trying to accomplish. post back here with any needed further assistance.

Samsung Galaxy S6

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good questions...so the front and rear facing camera are on the same circuit..this allows for the swipe to change cameras while within the app... i would assume if one force closes the app because of failure, the other will not work because of the force close. you may try to install a third party app and see if you can get either one to function without the native app. not sure if this will work, but if it does...youll find that one will display image while the other does not. as far as the repair of flex....both cameras have their own flex cables attached so itll be a housing swap if you come across one that has damage. if it s the connector pins, you can gently work them into proper position if bent. it is very easy to damage these further so use caution/discretion

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I tried two another apps from the google play store. No success. If I try the samsung members app where you can check all sensors etc. the app crashes. My problem now is, that I don't know which of the both camera is damaged.

Yes. I tried a menu from samsung I don't know the name. You can check every sensor and can show the values of them. You have to press *#0*# in your dialer and then it show up. There does the main camera not work, but the front cam does. So it seems that one camera "kills" the other, or the main the front camera.

im not familiar with that diagnostic method, but if it pointing you in one direction vs the other, i would start there. so itll be either a damaged flex cable, connector, bad camera or a shorted component on the circuit. start by disassembly and review the main camera since it seems to be the culprit. good luck. post back with your findings.

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