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모델 A1181: 1.83, 2, 2.1, 2.13, 2.16, 2.2, 또는 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo 프로세서

1205 질문 전체 보기

transfer from white not-unibody to alu-unibody


it's cosy around here.

that's probably what the intestines of my macbook think, too, by now.

is it posssible to change the whole body from white plastic (late 2006) to aluminium-unibody (by myself and without investing about 600 to 800 euro and have two nice devices)?

thanks for thinking about it

(i like the white more, but sometimes it's what you don't have...)

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What's the second device?

13" Aluminum Unibody MacBook (Pre-MacBook Pro 13")

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no. the logic boards are different shapes, different display connectors, different batteries, it wouldn't be possible (or at least not practical)

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I wouldn't even begin to go so far as to logic board, almost every single component would not fit, or even first, just the LCD, that alone would stop it from being possible.


a pleasure to hear it's impossible. from you.

but it wasn't a very smart question i have to admit. it'd be cheaper to sell the old and buy a new one...


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Just impossible.

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any reasons for the downvotes? I was just being blunt, there's just too many reasons why it wouldn't work.

in missing a possibility for private messaging:

did i downvote you? i did never intend to nor had reason to do so.

i upvoted you the one point i was allowed to.

Okay thanks, I don't think it was you, there's some guy going around downvoting me I guess it's just him.

Thanks for the upvote anyways!

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