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Samsung Galaxy S9은 모델 번호: SM-G960XU로 식별됩니다. 2018년 3월에 출시된 9세대 Samsung Galaxy Series 입니다. 색상은 라일락 퍼플, 미드나잇 블랙 및 코랄 블루가 있습니다.

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Why is my sound dim unless I am on speaker/using headphones?

Hi. Using Samsung Galaxy S9 and the sound on phone calls has become dim. If I plug in headphones or go on speaker mode, it sounds fine.

The people I am calling can hear me fine.

Is this a cleaning issue? Been trying to resolve for a few weeks but struggling.


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Take some tape and stick it to the earpiece speaker grill towards the top of the phone. Stick it in place and remove (about 4-5 times ) and give it a try. If its still muffled, it’ll need to be cleaned/replaced from the inside

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It could be a cleaning issue or perhaps a faulty speaker.

Either way you may have to open the phone to find out

Here’s the ifixit Samsung Galaxy S9 Earpiece Speaker Replacement guide which may be of some help.

If it is determined that the earpiece speaker is the problem replacement earpiece speakers - examples only are available online. Just search for Galaxy S9 earpiece speaker part to get results for suppliers that suit you.

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