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3MB 공유 L3 캐시 2.5 GHz 듀얼-코어 Intel Core i5 프로세서 (Turbo Boost 최대 3.1 GHz).

266 질문 전체 보기

Risk of battery fire after logic board spark

I've had this MacBook pro since 2013 and in 2015 juice was spilled on it and it no longer worked. Now, 5 years later I decided to take a look at the laptop and see if I could clean it up and fix it. I took it apart, cleaned it with alcohol, and reassembled it. I powered it on and it worked for a couple of minutes, the batteries charged to 12%, but then it shut down. I tried to power it back on but the backlight kept coming on and off and no boot. I went to disconnect the battery from the logic board but when my screwdriver touched the screw on the connector it sparked. Fearing that the batteries may catch fire I put it outside for now. Does anyone know the likelyhood that the batteries may catch fire. Keeping in mind the batteries have been sitting for about 5 years.

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Unless the battery has been punctured or has swollen there is little risk of fire. Next time use your fingernail or a sponger.

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The OEM batteries are pretty good when it comes to sparks, worse case scenario you damaged the logic board or, believe it or not, there’s a circuit board in the battery. Liquid damage should’ve been addressed immediately. You might have luck sending it to Louis Rossman for data recovery at least.

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