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모델 A1297 Unibody: 2009 상반기, 2009 중반기, 2010 중반기, 2011 상반기 & 2011 하반기

545 질문 전체 보기

Start up problems... yes I’ve tried that

Hi! So my computer won’t finish starting up. It’s typical MO is to load the progress bar to 50% and either go to the Grey screen of death or power off and restart itself in a cycle.

I have tried:

command + R

shift key (safe mode)

option + command +R + P (for exactly 20 secs)

option + command + control

nothing has worked. It will either get stuck in the loading screen, or go to a dark grey or light grey screen of death. Or it will Shut itself down and reset itself. I have never gotten it to bring up any other screen.

can anyone help me????

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Try booting up from your original or snow leopard DVD by inserting the disk, hold down the the C keys while booting. Run Disk Utilities. Or you can use another type of external USB source.

Pre-Installed MacOS:X 10.5.7 (9J3050)Maximum MacOS:X 10.11.x*

You can also hook it up to another Mac and boot into Target mode using a firewire cable and see if the internal drive mounts on the other Macs desktop and repair it that way.

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Amy Weidig 님은 대단히 고마워 할 것입니다.
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