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모델 A1297 Unibody: 2009 상반기, 2009 중반기, 2010 중반기, 2011 상반기 & 2011 하반기

545 질문 전체 보기

Any way to retrieve a little power from my battery?

Thae battery in this is not too shabby, I have had it for 4, almost 5 years and it's battery still works after all this!

I had to change my G60 battery in 2 years and I am on my 1st replacement after the HP supplied one gave out

Would I have any chance to restore some capacity to the battery from the factory?

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Unfortunately the answer is no.Those batteries start dying from the day they are born. The best you can do is keep their charging cycles down. When you use the battery deplete all of it's resources before you charge it again.

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I've done this with many laptops over the years, same with this one, but sometimes I am forced to plug in early(windows XP updating, yes, I have to share a internet connection from the mac)

I was hoping I could restore this battery like my G60's before it finally died out

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You might want to run Coconut Battery on the machine to see how much actual capacity is left. If it's 5 years old (are unibody machines really that old???) then it's time for a new battery anyway. Unibody batteries can be replaced, even if they are "non-removable". I'd pick one up on eBay.

Personally, I refuse to alter my use of a laptop in order to extend its battery life by whatever amount the proper behavior supposedly gets you. Laptops and their batteries exist to meet our needs...to me it just doesn't make sense to be spending time altering my behavior in order to keep a battery "happy".

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Very good commentary and answer. I just stuck with the meat and potatoes of what was asked.

Yeah, released the 15'' unibody in 2008

I did it to the G60 battery because I was buying a new battery at some point anyway, I got lucky to get that motherboard and IPA quick! That board will not last forever, but most of the soda damage was removed, now my mom uses it all day, it's mine, not hers! Next iFixit junk project before Xmas: fix a laptop for her to use(NOT vista, XP while it lasts) so I will find a nice one to have Windows 7 playroom

I got my unibody in January or February 2009

That means it's 2.5 years old, not 4-5! :-) If should still be working fine, if it's not defective. Again, Coconut Battery what the capacity is now compared to when it was new.

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