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Small media streaming device that plugs directly into your TV's HDMI port. Originally released by Amazon in November 2014. The latest version comes with a voice-activated remote.

118 질문 전체 보기

Why does the fire stick cause TV problem?

When I plug the fire stick in to the TV it causes the TV to turn on and off every few minutes. There is no problems with the TV when y remove the stick and I can use the HDMI sockets for other TV boxes with out a problem.

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Hi @cabopino ,

Are you using it with the supplied power adapter connected or the USB cable?

If the USB cable, try using the power adapter instead. Perhaps the TV cannot supply enough power from its’ USB port for the Firestick and the Firestick is cycling on and off. Just a thought.

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Have tried both power supplies and plugged the stick directly into the TV in both slots.

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