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Galaxy S7 Edge는 Samsung의 2016년 주력 휴대폰 Galaxy S7의 곡선형-스크린 버전입니다. 2016년 2월에 발표되었으며 3월 11일에 출시되었습니다. 모델 SM-G935.

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How do I flatten a removed battery?


I’ve just finished removing my S7 edge’s battery. Due to the strong adhesive the underside of the battery comes out warped.

Block Image

Since i want to reuse the battery (Which is not recommended), I have to flatten the underside so that it sits flush inside. Any ideas on how to do that?

Thank you.

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Hi @stuig ,

There is a reason why reusing an already distorted battery is not recommended. It may become dangerous and create a fire hazard etc.

I think that you should just replace the battery as you can cause more damage and possibly more problems i.e. expenses, if you try to fix it so it fits again.

Just my $0.02 worth

Hey @jayeff

I understand your concern, however I believe that the battery was removed without damage. (no punctures / bending).

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I would not recommend reusing the battery. You can buy a new battery for around we 15 dollars. If you are adamant about reusing the battery don't use any metal tools I wouldn't try to flatten it a lot. The cells are separated by a thin sheath of i believe plastic and if it tears it will start a fire that you can't put out. If it's in your pocket it could burn you severely. If you are on a plane you could cause a serious pproblem. The smoke is toxic. I had a battery ignite right after I pulled it out of the phone. It happened when I first started working on phones. It made a smell that lasted for a week. It left a burn mark on my silicone solder mat that can take temperatures over 500 degrees. Is it really worth 20 dollars for a replacement battery and shipping. I'm sure you can afford 20 dollars

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