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The first generation Neon was introduced in January 1994 and manufactured until August 1999. It was available as a four-door notchback sedan and a two-door notchback coupe.

29 질문 전체 보기

How do I change the oxygen sensor?

can you help me because i want to change the oxigen filter but i need some help with that can you put some pictures of the way to do it tanks for you help and the service online

How do I change the oxygen filter?

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justin, which one is the oxygen filter that you are referring to?

i think looking at his other post he means oxygen sensor..?

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justin, if you are talking about the O2 sensor like my colleague pollytintop pointed out, there are two. One in front of the catalytic converter and one after. There are some really good instructions on here. If you are really ambitious, here is the part of the manual that deals with the exhaust and O2 sensor parts. Hope this will help. Good Luck

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sorry is the oxigen sensor the one on tap

Its okay my friends helped me clarify it. Hope the manuals are going to help you...

Glad to hear you got it fixed. Just copy your other question on here, So we know it worked. GREAT JOB....;-)

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