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496 질문 전체 보기

2.4GHZ wireless rechargeable mouse not working w/o usb cable

My wireless rechargeable mouse works charges and perfectly works with the usb cable plugged and the dongle plugged. The problem is it doesn’t work if the usb cable is unplugged which defeats the purpose of it being a wireless mouse. what could be the problem?

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Hi, let us know the manufacturer and the model no of your mouse.

check also when you disconnect, does the mouse power cut off?

it doesn't have a manufacturer and model but its the slim type similar inphc. yes the mouse power cuts off when disconnected

How old is the mouse? How many times has it been recharged?

Do you know the type of rechargeable battery?

Many rechargeable batteries have a life of about two years, or less depending on use.

I just recently bought it online. I only got it three days ago. The company already refunded me but before i buy another one. I wanna see if there is any hope for this. It says its lithium battery.

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Try opening the mouse to gain access to the pcb and the battery.

At least this will let you see where the problem may be. It could be something simple like a loose connection somewhere.

Also if there is a problem with the battery e.g. too long in storage therefore the battery has become depleted beyond recovery, there usually is information printed on the battery which you help to find an exact replacement or perhaps one that is compatible if the exact model battery cannot be found.

Post some close up images of the board and the battery (showing the information) back here. Here’s how to do this. 기존 질문에 이미지 추가하기

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