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13" 알루미늄 unibody, 2.0 또는 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo 프로세서.

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Screen doesn’t work proper: no backlight, with image

I recently replaced my display’s data cable in my MacBook, and now the display has an image, but no backlight. The image can be seen via light shone through the logo on the back of the lid, or by shining a light on the front. For some context I also recently replaced the thermal paste, which involved me removing the logic board, and led to a damaged data cable for the lcd.

My computer is a unibody MacBook from late 2008, 13”. Any help or leads on this would be appreciated, as I have put a lot of time into keeping this laptop working, and I rather like it as well.

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This sounds like you damaged the LVDS connector on the logic board or the cable end is damaged. In turn the backlight logic on the logic board has become damaged too! Before fixing the logic board lets make sure the cable end and the connector are not damaged.

Block Image

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