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모델 A1297 Unibody: 2009 상반기, 2009 중반기, 2010 중반기, 2011 상반기 & 2011 하반기

545 질문 전체 보기

Trackpad Makes "Click" Sound, but Does Not "Select"

Mid 2009 17” MacBook Pro

Full disclosure: I know nothing about computers, and this is my first attempt at computer repair. I have been combing the forums, and am thankful for the guidance everyone offers!

Recently, the trackpad stopped responding to left clicks, but would allow right clicks, and the cursor worked as expected (this was also the case with a USB mouse). I knew the battery was beginning to bulge, so I replaced it. After replacement, the computer no longer responds to left or right clicks (same result with the USB mouse). I can hear the click, and the trackpad moves up and down with each click, it just will not select. Cursor responds perfectly.

I have cleared what little visible debris was between the original battery and the trackpad, tightened the screw in the trackpad case, and even gave the trackpad a medium-force whack, as a last resort. Still no luck. Is it time to replace the trackpad, or does anyone have another suggestion?

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Sounds like the click switch has failed on the trackpad, if you feel (hear) the click

Block Image

Here’s the needed replacement MacBook Pro 17" Unibody (Early 2009-Late 2011) Trackpad

If you don’t feel or hear the click then you may need to adjust the click plate adjuster

Block Image

Give a quarter turn one way then a half turn the other way (to off set the fist quarter turn). Did that solve it? You may need a bit more but don’t go more than one turn as you risk of the adjustment screw to fall out!

MacBook Pro 17" Unibody (Early 2009-Late 2011) Trackpad 이미지


MacBook Pro 17" Unibody (Early 2009-Late 2011) Trackpad


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