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모델 A1297 Unibody: 2009 상반기, 2009 중반기, 2010 중반기, 2011 상반기 & 2011 하반기

545 질문 전체 보기

How can I make my gpu last longest?

The gpu on my macbook did not fail yet, but I still want to use it. I was thinking if repasting (every 4-5 months) would help, but if u have any suggestions to make my gpu last longer please tell me.

When I disabled it, Lightroom, Photoshop, Final Cut were running very poorly and cpu was overheating, also I need brightness controls and sleep

Edit: The gpu died yesterday :DD

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Let’s think this a bit differently! If you got into a time machine to the the early years of the Indy500 grabbed one of the racers to race in the 2021 race against Team Penske entry would you win the race? Clearly not!

So what does that have to do with your GPU issue, surprisingly a lot! Here your systems GPU is like the Marmon Wasp a great car at the time but clearly time has marched on with better more powerful GPU’s.

The problem is not easy to see as the applications are much more complex and our expectations can bias our thinking the system can still fight through, just taking more time. The problem is the GPU will not throttle unlike your CPU so it will drive its self into the ground in short order running to heavy a work load.

So what to do?

While I do recommend repasting older systems CPU’s and GPU’s from its original paste at least every four to six years for most systems with normal use. Very heavy usage might need redoing more frequently maybe every two to three years, but that is an extreme case.

Your repasting every four to five months won’t make any difference, all you’ll be doing is stressing your system and risk damaging it.

I had two 17” unibodies, both finally died from running photo editing work which is exactly what you are doing. There is little you can do if your work exceeds what the system can process.

The things I did to nurse my systems to last as long as I could get them run was keep the systems fans and fin areas clear of dust so the system can shed the heat as effectively as possible. I was also running a good thermal management app TG Pro having it kick the fans RPM’s up sooner. I also limited the work I was trying to do. basically I had to change my work process to lessen the stress on the GPU.

I truly miss my 17” systems and I’m still not a fan of the newer MacBook Pro’s!

I’m currently using two 15” 2015 retina systems when I’m out in the field shooting. With the intro of the 16” models I was looking at getting one, I still think the system is still not thermally sound if you go with the i9 chip. Intel’s failures reflect in Apple’s design.

I know this is a very long answer but you need to hear it!

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And how long your systems lasted? I've been using tg pro for like 2 months and I adjusted fan curves for my needs, but the system is still running hot. I know apps are more complex but I would not mind running cs6 versions of adobe programs to save this macbook.

My last system died slight over a two years ago. I was only working with scaled down images so I could get my image alignments right. Generally, I was working on a horizontal group of 3 to 5 images and then matching up new images to the side in a new column group. I was (before COVID) doing ultra large images for museums & theaters. Hopefully, I can get my business running again once this scherge ends!

Think of it this way can you count off exactly one minute? Now can you do that repetitively? Thats what you are facing here you just don't offer the precision the computer or stopwatch can.

I love TG Pro! But I don't use it to at the level you are setting up rules for the fans. I first use the hardware solution (drive thermal sensor) and allow Apples thermal scaling stored in the systems firmware to control the systems cooling. When I'm working my system hard I do boost the fan just before I startup my job as I want the empty the heat sink and heat pipe of acquired heat and during the job I'm pushing the fans to the max.

Sadly it does sound like you've outgrown your systems ability, sorry

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