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SANYO DP39S23...help me please

I have this sanyo tv i use daily and one day it shut off and when i tried turning it back on it blinks blue (the signal screen) then turns black. Its still on because i hear sound from it and the light is green but i cant see pictures.

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@mjgarza let us know the exact model for your TV. I do not have anything on a DP39S23. Next, in a darkened room, turn the TV on to a channel where you have sound etc. Then us a flashlight and shine it at an angle against the screen see if you can make out shapes silhouettes etc. If so you know that your backlight is not working. This may require replacing the LCD strips inside the panel or a new power board. You will have to remove the back from your TV and check the power board with a multimeter Post some good images of all of your boards with your question so we an see what you see. 기존 질문에 이미지 추가하기

If you cannot see anything (triple check) then it is possible that this is a bad main board or a bad t-con board as wella s the panel (unlikely but possible)

Of course before all of this. Unplug your TV, unplug all devices that are plugged into your TV and then hold the power button down for about a minute or so. Then plug one video source (preferably a local DVD/BR or Game console)i n and plug the TV in, restart. See if that resolved it since a bad cable box can sometimes cause a dark screen as well.

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