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2020년 3월에 출시된 인텔 프로세서가 탑재된 MacBook Air 모델 A2179의 2020년 리프레시 수리 및 분해 정보입니다.

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Warranty on unscrewing Cooler?


so i wanted to put thermal pads on my new MACBOOK AIR 2020 (Quadcore),

as known the quadcore gets to 100°C really fast, i cant even use Chrome without having the fan sounding like a plane. So my main question is, if i lose warranty if i unscrew the cooler to put thermal pads between the cpu and the cooler, (apperently the cooler doesnt have direct contact). i know that i wont lose warranty when unscrewing the backplate, but i want to make sure i keep the warranty, since my macbook is 3 weeks old.


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I’d take it back in under warranty and not risk voiding it. I also take out the extended AppleCare on any product I have issues with during the first year. You can wait on this AppleCare till near the end of the initial warranty period as you can buy it anytime while it is still under warranty.

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