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더 커진 Samsung의 주력 핸드폰. 2018년 3월 출시.

130 질문 전체 보기

No Service after rear, screen AND midframe replacement

I replaced cracked and/or dented parts on my s9+. Phone was working just fine before other than a lot of cosmetic damage. These include:

Back/rear glass



Ever since the cellular signal strength is just awful. It exists but only in some rooms of my house and very week (-135dBm to ~ 110dBm if lucky). I was very careful with each part, and even did a full teardown to make sure no oils/dust/fingerprints were on any surface. I also replaced the antenna cables (the 2 blue and white cables) and no difference.

This cell issue is the only problem, wifi/nfc/bt all work just fine. And charging/microphone/speakers etc also work fine.

Any ideas on what part this could be? I did notice that the replacement midframe from ifixit has powder coat/paint in some spots where the original samsung midframe had some exposed aluminum as well as what look like conduction points/contacts. Does the midframe play an antenna boosting/connective/conductive role for cell signals? or might i just need to look at things like the charging board to be replaced?


EDIT:Images posted below of the original midframe’s ‘contacts’(?) Im curious about

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None of the coppery/non-coated parts in those pictures are present in the replacement midframe. the replacement metal is 100% painted/coated

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Evan let’s take a look at “exposed aluminum as well as what look like conduction points “ these by posting some good pictures with your QUESTION. 기존 질문에 이미지 추가하기

These questions are so difficult to answer since it always depends on the skills of the OP and if everything else went back okay etc. Always double check your work. Check the antenna connectors as well as all traces. There are multiple troubleshooting flowchart that you could follow based on bands etc.

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Thanks, I updated post with images above btw

Evan sure looks like they have a purpose. Gently remove the paint/coating from the replacement and see if that gives you some improvement.

I cant readily do that. If i apply alot of pressurewith a dremel i could probably sandthrough the powdercoat but there are no contacts like this on the replacement midframe.

@Evan okay makes sense. I do not see anything on the schematic that refers to those contacts. let me look some more. Any chance to just use your old midframe to evaluate this?

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